Deferred Shading
Add normal mapping
This game is made in Jan To Apr, 2019. Owned DigiPen Game Awards,
DigiPen PAX West Arcade 2019. Take part in PAX West 2019 at Seattle, WA.
Vulkan Implemention
Implemented SSR, normal mapping, light, Cascaded Shadow Maps, water, sky box.
Something done during internship
There are something I implemented during my internship.
Texture Array Build Tool.

Curve Algorithm
Full Version:
Implement curve algorithm, including De Casteljau Algorithm for Polynomial Functions, De Casteljau Algorithm for Bezier Curves, Interpolating Polynomials, Interpolating Splines, De Boor Algorithm for spline functions, De Boor Algorithm for Polynomial Curves and 3D Bezier curve.
CS529 Game Engine
Implement all engine stuff and game, including physics engine, graphics, collision detection and so on.