Ambient OcculenAmbient OcclusionAssignment

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion/Obscurance algorithm, with a bilateral filter as an edge-aware blur to smooth out the noise in the
calculated ambient occlusion factor.


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Physics based Animation--Cloth

Cloth simulation

This project is to implemente physics based animation, cloth-like object interactive with other objects.

Ball interacts with the mesh.

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God Ray

Light scattering

This effect is showing the light scattering. It’s implemented by Light Volume, not ray matching.


Light goes through the window.

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Inverse Kinematics

Cyclic Coordinate Descent Algorithm


IBL-Image based lighting

An HDR environment map to provide surround lighting.


A micro-facet BRDF to provide realistic surface lighting calculations

Tone Mapping + Gamma Correction

The mapping of a High-Dynamic-Range image onto a Low-Dynamic-Range device.

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FMOD 3D Sound

Use FMOD to generate 3D sound effect in scene. Implement for my game engine.

Moment Shadow Mapping


Moment Shadow Mapping(MSM)

Blur shadow depth buffer and get a smooth shadow. Use computer shader to do the blur process.

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Skeleton Key Frame Animation

This is basic 3D animation renderring.
Use Assimp library to load FBX file data
Do interpolation on CPU
Use ImGUI as UI

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Deferred Shading

Add normal mapping


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