
A Pokemon Fan
A Pokemon Fan

Hi! I’m a Chinese Game Programmer, and a student of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(China, Bachelor, 2017) and DigiPen Institute of Technology(US, Master, 2020). I love game and programming, and hope everyone can enjoin games. Greatest wish is creating(developing :)) a globally renowned game.
I’m so interesting in rendering and game engine design, so now i’m searching for a job relating to these. You can touch with me as following:
Telephone: +86 18010621995
WeChat: 18010621995


Program Language:

C++, C#, Lua, C


Unity3D, Visual Studio, RenderDoc, Git

Graphics API:

Vulkan, OpenGL


University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Graduated at June, 2018

Bachelor Degree, Software Engineering

DigiPen Institute of Technology, Expected Graduation in 2020

Master Degree, Master of Science in Computer Science

Academic Project Experience:

Team Project———-team work game engine and game, 2019 fall

• Implemented engine framework, use ECS framework. Including memory manager, serialization, deserialization, scene manager, game main loop, entity and component manager, multi-threading for systems and some components and systems, like Transform component, Audio Listener component, Audio Source component, Transform Update system and Audio System.

Team Project———-team work game engine and game, 2019 spring

• Implemented physics engine, collision detection, using Separating Axis Algorithm
• Implemented File Manager
• Made some game play part, like ultimate skill, fire circle and so on

Project of Game Engine Design———-self-designed game engine and game, 2018

• Designed a component-based game engine, including ResourceManager, FrameManager, InputManager and so on, details in GitHub.

Project of Computer Graphics Course———-using OpenGL to implement objects rendering, light, 2018

• Rendering objects like cube, sphere, triangle using OpenGL functions.
• Implemented lighting, shadow, normal mapping.

Leader/Programmer Game Jam 2016———-game programming competition (create one game in 48 hours), 2016

• Coordinated with teammates and made decision and oversaw the process
• Used Unity3D to generate 8 kinds of enemies, learned AI knowledge and programmed the AI and action of enemies
• built the audio system of the game, used Unity3D to achieved the traps which make interactive with player in game.

Leader/Client programmer Graduate Design———-CCG (Collection Card Game) design and development, 2017

• Composed guidelines documents
• Designed and programmed the whole client of the game, including 9 modules like initialize module, battle module,
collection module and so forth. Using Unity3D.

Professional Work Experience:

Game Engine Programmer 2019.05-2019.08

NetEase Games – expand Unity3D tool and rendering effect

• Implemented water rendering effect and editor
• Made a tool like photoshop to paint mask texture and a tool to paint mask texture on model directly
• Flatbuffer format file transfer
• Object color blends with terrain color, rendering effect
Click to view detail

Unity3D Programmer 2018.03-2018.08

Madebyall Technology Co.,Ltd – create a software to generate shoe digital model

• Established the UI framework by Unity3D
• According to UI designer’s design, demonstrated UI, implemented the functions of UI
• Analyzed and optimized the program that other programmers had achieved, in algorithm and overwrite

Software Engineer 2016.03-2016.09

SiChuan JunLinKeJi Co.,Ltd – software transfer to VR version

• Collected information of HTC VIVE and steam SDK on Internet and professional forum to prepare to build the framework and acquired related knowledge
• Used steam SDK and Unity3D to alternate UI function to VR version, implemented roaming function
• Generate a ray to trigger UI, for helping user find where they can trigger
• Collected test data and concluded test documents and user handbook


Psychological committeeman 2013 -2017
Third Prize of The People’s Scholarship in China 2014
Scholarship for Studying Abroad 2017
Excellent Class Group 2015
DigiPen Game Awards 2019
DigiPen PAX West Arcade 2019